Staff members
Bill Lovat

Bill is currently working with the Hub as Interim Strategic Director, supporting with the delivery of the Hub’s plans and ambitions. He’s previously worked at a regional housing association and brings a background in community development, education, and local government over the last few decades. Bill also works with social investors and other stakeholders linked to the shared vision of community led housing strategies for the region. He’s passionate about making a difference to the lives of people and communities, particularly where there is an urgent need to bridge gaps and widen access to opportunity.
Rachel Summerscales

Rachel is our Project Officer and has worked in the GM community sector for many years. She is the first point of contact for any individuals or groups interested in finding out how to get involved in Community Led Housing and will know how the Hub can help move your plans along. Rachel is part way through building her own family home (a very long process!) as part of a Community Self Build scheme in Oldham, so she has hands on experience of the ups and downs of community led housing.
Contact her on 07570 002033 or [email protected] any time – Rachel works 28 hours flexibly across the week.
In addition to our staff we have a number of Associates who work for us. Our Associates are suitably qualified people with relevant experience in the housing sector.
Martin Davies

Martin has joined the GM Hub’s group of Associates on a part time basis to provide the flexible specialist support needed by the Hub.
He has over 35 years of experience in the Social Housing sector. Since 2006 this has been with a leading developing Registered Provider working at Director level across the Northwest region delivering grant funded affordable homes programmes. Previous to this he has worked at a number of Local Authorities and housing providers on development project management, estate renewal, housing management and lettings.
During his career Martin has led project and programme delivery of over 2000 affordable homes including general needs rented, supported housing, Extra care, low-cost home ownership, market sale and rented housing , care and commercial space. Mixed use regeneration is also a specialism. Martin also brings experience of various forms of construction contract, joint ventures, procurement and development finance.
Martin is motivated to deliver quality in design and construction and homes that are sustainable and affordable for the community whilst minimising the impact on the environment.
Darryl Lawrence

Darryl is supporting the Hub on a flexible, part-time basis as part of our associate team. He has over 35 years experience in the housing sector working in a diverse range of disciplines.
Darryl began his career on the South Coast where he was involved in estate management before developing and managing a range of bespoke homeless accommodation for the local authority.
For many years he was also at the forefront of tackling empty homes and developing partnerships with the private sector, local authorities and housing associations.
For 22 years Darryl headed up a unique housing partnership in Rochdale developing a range of interventions to improve the life chances of residents through improved housing. This was across all tenures, based on developing partnerships between the housing sector and children’s services, NHS hospital Trust, Adult care and GP surgeries.
Darryl is passionate that good and appropriate housing is the platform for all betterment of people’s lives, especially good health..
Board members
Steve Goslyn

Steve is a retired housing professional with 35 years-experience. He is a founding Board Member of the Chorlton Community Land Trust. He is also a member of Manchester Intergenerational Cohousing (MICO) a South Manchester-based group seeking to create supportive and inclusive communities for its members.
Julie Ralph

Julie has lived in co-operative housing for over 30 years and during that time has always been an active member. She has a wealth of experience on both operational matters such as rent and repairs services and on strategic matters such as business planning and governance. She gained her first qualification in housing from Salford University as a mature student and was the only tenant and non-housing professional on her course. That qualification led to employment within the housing sector where she has since gone on to do post graduate study at Bolton University. She is an Accredited Community Led Housing Enabler. Julie is a strong advocate for the tenant or community voice to be heard and have influence in everything we do.
Sian Richards

Sian is a Board Member of Chorlton Community Land Trust, a Director of Manchester Urban Cohousing (MUCH) who are creating a mutually supportive cohousing community for people aged over 50, and a member of Manchester Intergenerational Cohousing (MICO). She is a retired software engineer.
Hannah Dixon

Hannah is an architect and certified Passivhaus designer, and Director of Progress in Practice, an architecture practice specialising in low carbon, Passivhaus design and community engagement.
She is a founding member of MICO, an intergenerational cohousing group in Manchester, and has worked with community groups ranging from community farms to housing groups over the years.
Cat Chrimes

Cat is the Head of Investments at GMCVO, she brings over a decade of experience of investment and providing investment to the community led housing sector.
Mike Simpson

Mike is a retired housing and regeneration professional with 35 years experience of working in local authority, housing association and third sectors in Manchester and Greater Manchester. He has worked across disciplines including, development and acquisition, homelessness and stock transfer.
Guy Parker

Guy is an experienced policy professional who has worked across local and national government, as well as in the private and third sectors. He has published research into the northern housing industry and written local place strategies, and has lived in Fallowfield in Manchester for the last ten years.
Nichola Morris

Nichola is currently Project Manager for the Community Land Trust Network. She has over 30 years experience working in the social housing and the voluntary and community sectors