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Our April Forum last week explored common values and co-design of larger sites.

Our next public event focusses on Community Led Housing in Wigan and Leigh and is on Weds May 22nd at 3.30pm.


#CommunityEngagement #wigan


GMCLH has been approached by several developers and landowners asking how #clh might contribute to their sites.

Join us tomorrow from 6 – 8pm @UseMcr to help us compile a vision to present to them and move discussions forwards…

Catch up on all the latest community led housing news and make sure you don’t miss out on upcoming events by reading our newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/2349b7a8bf5f/gmclh-monthly-newsletter-14158981

Live or work in Wigan and Leigh??
Frustrated by the housing situation??
Fancy exploring innovative, community led solutions to local housing??
Well get yourself booked on to this free half day event then!!
#CommunityPower #HousingCrisis

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